Thursday, December 23, 2010

Leaves, Frogwarts & General Christmas Cheer!

Oh! Leaves, Peeves and Christmas in the air!
It's good to hear from you JoJo and to see your picture!!
I finally finished a book (a very very short one) as a Christmas present for a friend and it is shown above.

Also shown above:
My lovely new tadpole friends!
Whilst elsewhere in the northern hemisphere an Arctic Chill has moved in,
my neighborhood has become a greenhouse.
Mm, yes, it's lovely, thankyou.... wink wink.
Show in the excellent jar above are Mr. Frogwarts, Hopkins the Second, Mistletoe and Jim.
Their names are somewhat due to my re-reading Harry Potter again...
Since the last tadpoles I collected have either died (very regretable, of course) or been eaten (by my cat), I plan to wait a few days and see if they are ailing and should put them back.

Lastly (or firstly?) I have been making LEAVES in my pottery class! Yay! ;)
Now I have to make truffles for my pottery teacher...

That's all that's going on around here. I hope you have a wonderfully merry Christmas, Jo:

Mele Kalikimaka from Hawaii.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


This is what I have been doing. Taking pictures. I have edited but to take this picture I went off the trail (oops, but I was careful) to follow a little stream and found this wonderful sunlight!
Your turn,

The Dirtiest Job You've Never Heard About

This is a very good picture of me looking insane. This is infact because of the freezing cold fishy squishy sensation going through my toes.
What are we doing in a fishtank with a foot of icky water and a fish net? Why, catching fish of course. This is actually only Fish Tank Number One and we were in the process of transporting the fish from one tank to another. Not a pleasant activity.
Some day when someone does a fishy job on TV, I will laugh at this as you probably are. But for now I'm trying to rub the fishy smell out of my feet.
What have YOU been doing for fun?
'Till later,

Happy thanksgiving, I hope you gained ten pounds as I did. ;)