Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Love Books!

hey arah,

It is currently the last day of November. I am doing my math homework but took a break to listen to music and check up on the blog. You are currently soooo luck NOT to have snow because alredy it's late November and the novelty of snow has worn off.

Book Thingy 1: Mockingjay
Yes, I have read and cried and laughed and frowned and growled and smiled and just fallen asleep during the reading of Mockingjay. I H-A-T-E-D the book, it was such an accurate description of Katniss' emotions that it was painful. Also Suzanne killing everyone and driving Katniss into a insanity nearly the whole book did not suit me. This is where the accuracy part comes in, I became Katniss and during the whole book I put into such a state of depression, I had just forgiven her for killing Cinna and then she is torturing Katniss so much. I was screeaming on the inside! :) Oh, yeah and I'm not even done my rant. The whole pick Gale or Peeta thing was like a school play that was pretending to pass off as a Broadway performance.

P.S. If I were Katniss I would pick Gale he understands her way more.

Book Thingy 2: NaNiWriMo
Hurry! Only one more day left! Maybe next year we'll try it together. It looks like a whole wack of fun.... I'll try and call to celebrate with you.

Book Thingy 3:
No, never heard of it but it looks awesome! I have a account and will do book reports soon!


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