It is the ninth of November and over here in the middle of the ocean there is NO SNOW!!! Heeheehee.
Okay, so here's the latest: Books!
Book Thing Number One: Mockingjay
What did you think about it? Was it good? Was it GREAT? Di you hate it? And should she have ended up with Gale???
Book Thingy Number Two:
There's this thing called 'NaNoWriMo' which stands for National Novel Writing Month and it's this program for November in which you write a book in 30 days. It is not a bout quality, it is about QUANTITY! Which means, since I started eight days late I have to go NOW and begin writing, writing, writing and WRITING! Mom agreed to quit school for a week for me to try and catch up. Yay!
Book Thingy Number Three: Goodreads
Do you have an account> Have you ever heard of it??? I have a secret name for my goodreads account 'widescreenaddition' (Why that? because, it's never taken.) Following is a sample of one of my reviews (I figured this was an easier way of recommending books than emailing back and forth):
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
A beautiful, sad, very real story that was on my mind for DAYS!
I wouldn't recommend it for kids under... say twelve, but I certaintly enjoyed it!
View all my reviews
That's it! Looking forward to your next post!
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